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Deaf-Parapgledgia-Spesh 2nd World Draughts-64 Disabilities Championship IDCD
06-500 Mlawa ul. Pilsudskiego 33a, I.D.C.D. 2018-08-21/2018-08-31 Arbiter: Ivan Ilnicki
Player's card
SNo. | 5 | Local | 15 |
Name | Kozlov, Evgeniy | Title | |
Birthday | 1956-04-03 | Club | Paraplegia |
FMJD | 0 | Fed. | RUS |
Sum of opponents' ratings: | 2248 | Kategory result: | |
No. of games: | 7 | Total: | 8.0 |
Average rating: | 283 | Norm for PZWarc category: | |
Remarks to norm: | |
Date and arbiter's signature: |