Strona główna
III Mistrzostwa Gminy Osieczna w Warcabach Międzynarod. - VI runda GP - Młodzik
CKiB Osieczna / Roszada Lipno 2018-02-24/2018-02-24 Arbiter: Stefan Polny
Player's Card
No | 4 | Code | 18782 |
Name | MAZUROWSKI, Bartosz | Title | IV |
Born | 2006-04-22 | Sex | M. |
FMJD | A 1912 | Fed. | POL |
Average rating of rated opponents: | 1931 | Number of rated opponents: | 1 |
Total: | 7.0 | Score vs. rated opponents: | 0.0 |
Rank: | 12 | | |
Rating change | -0.95 | Authentication by | Stefan Polny |