Tournament's name:
Main informations: |
Start date: | 2016-01-06 |
End date: | 2016-01-09 |
Place/organizer | |
Rate of play | |
Arbiter | Vitas Labutis |
Current round | 9 |
No. of rounds | 9 |
System: | Swiss |
Type of draughts: | 100 squares |
Tournament statistics: |
No. of players | 14 |
No. of federations: | 5 |
No. of players with FMJD rating | 0 |
No. of women | 0 |
Average tournament's rating: | 0 |
Titles' statistic
| No. of players with international titles (total: 0) |
| GMI | GMIF | MI | MIF | MF | MFF | | | |
F |
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M |
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