16. ročník TALENT Cup 2024

Resort Sepetná, Ostravice 956 (https://sepetna.cz/) 2024-12-19/2024-12-22
Tadeusz Agaciński

2024-09-28 15:19

16. ročník TALENT Cup 2024

Komunikat organizatora
Date: 19. - 22. 12. 2024 Location: Resort Sepetná, Ostravice 956 (https://sepetna.cz/) Director: Ing. Petr Záruba, +420 739 642 815, zaruba@chessfm.cz Arbiters: IA Petr Záruba, Zdeněk Holeksa, Stanislav Jasný, Karel Pliska, Jakub Rabatin, Lukáš Weissmann Tournaments: A – boys and girls born in 2009 a mladší B – boys and girls born in 2013 a mladší and FELO<1800 C – boys and girls born in 2015 a mladší and FELO<1800 - Boys and girls play together, but the announcement will be particularly - first 3 boards at each tournament will be broadcast on-line on site www.chessfm.cz System: Tournament A – Swiss system, 7 rounds, 2x 60 min + 30 sec./move (more 26+ players accelerated) Tournament B + C – Swiss system, 9 round, 2x 45 min + 30 sec./move All tournaments will be send to FIDE ELO with condition minimum 15 players with relevant rating Ranking: points, buchholz -1, buchholz, Sonnenborn-Berger, lot Registration: 19. 12. from 18.00 till 20.00 h and 20. 12. from 7.30 till 9.00 h at playing hall Hotel Sepetná Accommod: at bungalow or hotel with full board Meals: from dinner Thursday 19. 12. till lunch Sunday 22. 12. 5.400 CZK – for player, player under age 11,99 let or on added bed 4.300 CZK discount for participants of WC/EC/EUC 2024 – 300 CZK amount consist: accommodation with full board and entry fee prize for accompanying person is 5.200 CZK/person/stay

Resort Sepetná, Ostravice 956 (https://sepetna.cz/)
Tadeusz Agaciński
Ing. Petr Záruba, +420 739 642 815




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Tadeusz Agaciński